Barton Legal Ltd
Legal Services, Solicitors, Lawyers and Legal Advisors
12 New Road Side, Rawdon, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS19 6HN (Show me directions) Show Map
0113 20...Landline Landline 07872 6...Mobile Mobile
0113 202 9468 0113 202 9468
Monday to Sunday: 09:00 to 17:30
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Niche practice specialising in construction and commercial property; contract drafting and negotiation; litigation, arbitration and adjudication; leases; licences; SIPPS; buying and selling land and property; renewable energy projects such as wind, biomass and solar; international arbitration and contract drafting; FIDIC; IChemE; JCT; NEC; ICE; engineering projects;
William Barton
(Managing Director)